NAAC Accrediated, Approved by NCTE, Govt. of India vide letter no.- ERC/7-146.6.15/NCTE/B Ed/2012/15378 , Date-17.12.2012

Mission Vision

The aim of education is not only to literate a person, education should be self supporting. In the view of Mahatma Gandhi, 'Literacy in itself is no education'. Education should help a person to become self dependent. In the words of Nelson Mandela, ‘ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’. For this, the importance of technical and professional education is immense and ever increasing.The country which is strong in professional education, becomes economically sound and developed. Our nation is at the threshold of change and as an emerging global power , professional education forms the backbone of prosperity and progress. Keeping in view the  cutting edge competition, the A. M. B.Ed. college sets up highest benchmarks in imparting professional education and gives the students a competitive advantage that is very hard for competitors to duplicate, and lies at the very heart of success.


* To provide knowledge, understanding and skills essential for quality teacher educators.

* To become professionally competent teachers to teach effectively and joyfully.

* To assist teachers in understanding theories, principles, techniques and process of teaching-learning.

* Inculcating in young professionals the constructive and naturalistic attitudes and encouraging them to cultivate some positive values.

* The college provides impetus for development of teaching and learning situations in the classroom among the trainees through simulated teaching.

* The college creates an atmosphere to build self-motivation, well integreted character of the trainee so that they may take leadership in all school activities and in community.
* Equipping them with such humane qualities as honesty, sincerity, discipline, the sense of responsibility, the spirit of dedication, punctuality and the spirit of self-analysis which are required of a teacher entrusted with the responsibility of making worthy future citizens of the country